There are many reasons to become a dental assistant. First of all, there is a high demand for dental assistants that will likely never change. As such, there’s great job security. Secondly, the position pays well, especially when you consider that it takes less than a year to complete a certified assistant dental program (ours is a 12-week program).

Finally, the skills you learn as a dental assistant can open up a wide range of career possibilities, especially jobs requiring some administrative skills. With that in mind, the following is an explanation of how you can leverage your skills as a dental assistant to further your career.

Dentist describing patient information to administrative assistant at reception desk

What Will You Do As A Dental Assistant?

Dental assistants are responsible for a wide range of duties, including chairside assistance during exams and procedures, sterilizing dental instruments, taking patient x-rays, preparing materials for treatments, and more. However, they’re also responsible for many administrative tasks as well.

As a dental assistant, you’ll be responsible for many of the administrative tasks that are essential to keeping the office running smoothly. This will include anything from scheduling appointments and dealing with insurance companies to taking patient information, calling in prescriptions, and assisting the dentist with various treatments. Your day-to-day duties will also involve interacting with patients and making sure they feel comfortable and informed about the services being provided.

How Your Administrative Skills Can Advance Your Career

When training to become a dental assistant, you’ll learn a variety of administrative skills. These can be leveraged to take your career in new directions. For example, you could use your administrator skills to become an office manager for a dental practice, or start up your own business providing administrative services for dentists and other healthcare professionals.

Alternatively, you could also use these same administrative skills to transition into other medical fields, such as insurance billing and coding, or medical transcription. The possibilities are endless.

By leveraging your administrative skills as a dental assistant, you can create new opportunities for yourself and open up an entire world of options for advancing in the healthcare field. It’s a great way to take your career to the next level and explore new paths. Not to mention, the administrative skills you learn can be applied to countless other industries as well. Administrative skills such as organization and time management are invaluable in any business setting.

Get The Right Training

To ensure that you have the right skills to succeed as a dental assistant and provide the foundation you need to move into other areas of the healthcare field, it’s important to get the right training. Formal training can make you more marketable as a job candidate in whatever position you decide to pursue.

Here at the South Florida Dental Assisting School, we offer a comprehensive dental assisting program. You’ll learn about the day-to-day operations of a dental practice and receive the training you need to develop the skills necessary for success.

Our 12 week program is licensed by the Florida Board of Dentistry and the Florida Commission for Independent Education, which means you can be sure you’re receiving the best quality training.

Enroll In Our Dental Assisting Program Today

Becoming a dental assistant is an excellent way to jumpstart your career and open doors for future career opportunities. With the right training and a commitment to learning, you can use these skills to propel yourself into the career of your dreams. For information about enrolling in our dental assisting program, contact us at the South Florida Dental Assisting School today.